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From Cradle to Stage, Virginia Grohl

I’ve got my sleeping pattern dialed in at the moment, so I picked this book specifically because after 15min of night reading, it’s time to shut off the light…. As well as the fact that the author is Dave Grohl’s mother and a NOVA resident. These stories are quick 5-10min snippets of her meeting with rock musicians Moms to learn about them them and their child who soared to music greatness. A collection of life stories and the trials and tribulations with raising creative children. Perfect quick read for keeping my sleeping patterns in place. Her ‘Vignette’s were by far the best parts (especially the one when meeting Kurt Cobain’s mother for the first time). The book definitely reinforces the fact that Dave Grohl is a generous and loving son who has made the wonderful world of music possible to millions of fans, this one included.

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