Maid, Stephanie Land
One of the greatest things about the willingness to get on your hands and knees to scrub a toilet is you’ll never have trouble finding...

21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari
Technology. The future. AI. Harari covers it all. Goes into detail how in today’s world computers and algorithms are already beginning to...

The Authenticity Project, Clare Pooley
Clare dives into the theory of how we might live if we had no fear. One day, an aging artist jots down secrets in a notebook and leaves...

Acid for the Children, Flea
I was expecting a memoir of Flea’s life up to today… most curiously, what his life was like in the Red hot Chili Peppers. But, I didn’t...

Little Weirds, Jenny Slate
Little weirds is right! This book must have been written in stream of consciousness, just in paragraph form, trying desperately to...

Calypso, David Sedaris
I’m not much into nonfiction works that’s major theme is humor, but thought what the hell… I laughed my butt off in sections. First book...

Escape From the Land of Snows, Stephen Talty
The story of Dalai Lama’s escape to freedom to India from Lhasa, Tibet as a teenager. I’ve read the story before, even have maps of the...